Pet Dental Care

Your Deer Park Pet's Dental Care

deer park pet dental exam

You are a responsible pet owner. You take good care of your pet. But do you always remember to take care of your pet's teeth?

Pets have dental diseases and problems just like people do. Many of these problems can be avoided by bringing your pet to Park Hills Animal Hospital and Wellness Center for regular dental check-ups and dental cleanings. At Park Hills Animal Hospital and Wellness Center, we are privileged to have Dr. Howard Camay advocating for your pet's dental health. Dr. Camay has been providing routine and advanced dental procedures for over 30 years.

Signs of Pet Dental Problems

You can prevent serious dental problems by making sure your pet receives dental exams at the time of each vaccination, again at six months of age, and then annually. In between visits to the veterinarian, check your pet's teeth regularly for signs of problems. Symptoms of dental disease include:

Does your pet have bad breath or reddened gums? If so, gingivitis could be the cause. Gingivitis occurs when soft plaque hardens into rough, irritating tartar. Tartar build-up on your pet's teeth can cause damage to the teeth and gums. If left untreated, gingivitis can lead to an infection called periodontal disease. This disease can cause the loss of teeth.

Your Pet's Dental Cleaning

Dentistry for your pet is quite different from human dentistry. For most of us, caring for our teeth and gums has been part of our daily routine for as long as we can remember. Consequently, a person's visit to the dentist is relatively brief and does not require sedation. In contrast, your pet's dental care is considerably more involved, time consuming, and complex. It requires general anesthesia and, consequently, a day's hospitalization and the skills of several people, from veterinarians to veterinary technicians and assistants.

Pre-Dental Workup

pet dental, deer park ny deer park pet dentists

A pre-dental workup involves laboratory and diagnostic tests to better evaluate your pet's current health status and to assure safe anesthesia. Current medical problems must be evaluated and any possible unknown problems must be identified prior to the dental examination.

For all pets, regardless of age, we suggest a brief in-hospital blood screen on the day of the dentistry. For older animals, a complete blood count (CBC) and blood chemistry profile is performed prior to the dental examination.

Your pet's dental cleaning begins with a physical examination. This is important to evaluate your pet's general health. After the physical exam, your pet is given anesthesia for a safe and painless sleep during the dental cleaning.

The first part of animal dental cleaning requires the removal of tartar. This is done by hand, using tartar forceps. Next, an ultrasonic scaler is used above and below the gumline. Once the teeth have been thoroughly cleaned a periodontal probe is used to check for pockets below the gumline. Deep pockets mean periodontal disease and infection. If deep pockets are found they are cleaned by hand using a curette to remove plaque and tartar from the exposed root surfaces. If necessary, dental X-rays are taken to help guide further treatment. Your pet's teeth are then polished, creating a smooth surface. The gums are washed with an anti-bacterial solution to help delay tartar build-up both below the gumline and on the crown of the tooth.

Home Care and Prevention

Dental care does not end with a visit to Park Hills Animal Hospital and Wellness Center. You need to continue your veterinarian's good work at home. Brushing your pet's teeth is an important part of home dental care. A staff member at Park Hills Animal Hospital and Wellness Center will show you the proper method of brushing your pet's teeth.

Annual veterinary dental care and home dental care helps keep your pet's breath fresh and gums and teeth healthy. Your pet's smile and healthier life will be matched by your smile and pride in a job well done.